Zine & Book-Making Workshops
Junk Journals @ The WasteShed (September 2025)
Junk Journals @ Chicago Creative Reuse Exchange (April 2025)
Blizzard Books @ New Carlisle Public Library in Indiana (March 2025)
Zines @ MADE: An Artisan Collaborative in Chicago (February 2024)
Zines @ New Carlisle Public Library in Indiana (March 2024)
2024 Zine Anthology
YOLOW ZINES: Dearly Beloved: Memorializing Ourselves
Excerpt from my submission.
2023 Forest School Zine
Milwaukee Zine Fest, 2023
More 2023 titles:
Snail Mail FTW
Haters Gonna Hate
Look for the Helpers
Chaos Muppets Need Not Apply
Three Things I Have Lost: Whoopsie Daisy (September 2023)
Just Desserts (July 2023)
2022 titles
Consequences of Living in a Pandemic: Typewriters are apparently a thing I’m doing now (January 2022)
2021: One Zine a Month Series (attempted, but TBH calendars are a social construct so whatever)
All the Jobs I've Ever Had (So Far) (That I Remember): A (Probably?) Relatable Saga of Living and Job-ing Post-2000 (January 2021)
A Memoir of Memoirs: It Seems Like Such a Whack Ass Genre and Yet I (And Millions of Others) Keep Reading (February 2021)
An Ode to Various Chicago Magazines (March 2021)
What Fidel Dobes & Adrien Veidt Got Wrong (Spoiler: It was their faith in humanity) (April 2021)
Dueling Maxims (May 2021)
Adventures in Raising Arsonists, Or: Parenting in a Pandemic (June 2021)
Ode to Advice Columns: How I Love Agony Aunts, Or: You're Not The Only One With Questions (July 2021)
What's School Got To Do With It? A zine about school, homeschool, unschooling, and living the dream (hint: living is the dream) (August 2021)
Studying for a PhD in the School of Indigenous & Canadian Studies: But Why? A per-zine for curious family members, inquisitive friends, & understandably confused acquaintances (September 2021)
How to Get Into a New Hobby as a Parent of Young Children: Hahahahaha. Good Luck. OR: "How Printmaking Found Me" (October 2021)
2020 titles
A Zine About Being Named Amanda (in whacky fonts because life is whacky)
AMWF: Not Just a Porn Category, Also a Category IRL; A Zine of Asian Male / White Female Racialized Intrigue -- or -- A Celebration of Miscegenation
Why are your neighbo(u)rs assholes? No one knows, but it's not you. It's definitely them. A Zine about being a boring adult with unsolvable interpersonal problems.
"Don't Worry, Mom:" A Zine of Reassurances from a 5-Year-Old
Midnight Musings from a Baby Tangaroo: A Zine Created From Queries Made at Midnight by A 2-Year-Old
A Perzine About My Tattoo Collection
"GREAT JAGOFFS OF HISTORY" Series (coming soon)
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes: The Story of Ferdinand Magellan
That Jagoff, Christopher Columbus
Conotocaurius: George Washington, Town Destroyer
What is a "zine?"
The word is short for magazine! It's kind of a mini magazine that can be bound with staples, string, or whatever you have on hand. I used the single-page folded format (so they can be emailed and printed out by others).
"A zine is a small-circulation self-published work of ... texts and images, usually reproduced via a copy machine. Zines are the product of either a single person or of a very small group, and are popularly photocopied into physical prints for circulation. " - Wikipedia
DIY: make your own zine
Here is a template that I made for generating zines in Microsoft Word (but you can make zines in any format -- handwritten, painted, on notebook paper, or whatever you have on hand that works for you!).
Here is a video tutorial of how to fold and cut your zine (but you can fold or cut them differently, or staple them, or do what you like!).