"weaponized incompetence," 2025


"chaos muppets need not apply," work-in-progress

hey look man they can't all be winners (it was supposed to be a kangaroo called "thanks, it has pockets" but it turned out like a naked mole rat with dead eyes)

curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back

linocut printmaking with snark and sass and a bunch of mail-ordered supplies from dick blick.
2020 was a really great time to take up an art form that involved stabbing.
it's real cathartic.

2022-2023 prints

curtains for you

jesus, take the wheel

little miss stfu

cedars, hyde park, chicago

get your mind out of the gutter, tia, it's lake michigan!

chicago flag

malort for jess

vending machine cat

crocs have sports mode, relaxed mode, and also b*tch mode

2021-2022 prints


get roasted

little miss idgaf

2020-2021 prints

print-making (lino-cutter, brayer, baren)

little miss stfu

"it's okay to quit" lifesaver

envelope cards (meta?)

cat butt on upcycled historical journal pages (now a part of textile history!)

tea bag enveopes & tea cup cards

lyle lyle lino cut

usps mailbox envelopes

little mermaid

bird flipping the bird to covid-19

fuck off whale

chicks before pricks

tough titties

hitchhiker's guide revised

corn tassel


2020 struggle bus

2020 Why Are Men