Sometimes, in 2019, you are trolling craigslist when you come across clown shoes. That's a totally normal sentence.
In January 2024, natch, you go to a clown exhibit on Navy Pier with the circus trained circus enthusiasts in your retinue. Yet another normal sentence.
Then, eventually, in 2025, you gather the supplies to make a linocut print of clown shoes (for circus reasons relevant to your life) with funny captions (like "walk a mile in these shoes" and other witticisms).
The same day that you finally print a proof of your linocut that has taken you ages, you might be walking through McCormick Place when you see a dude-bro in shoes the same color as your print that you left drying in your studio!
So life is funny, is what I am saying. Inspiration is everywhere. Get making!
PS When you try to go back and look for these things in your photo album, the search for "clown" results in no items, but the search for "clwon" brings up all of the images I shared here. Go figure.
More inspiration from the Hyde Park Art Center:
Inspiration from real life:
more lessons: this is how i started out in january 2020. yikes! but keep going, and even if you don't get a lot better at something, you probably won't get worse.